About SxW

To say Nashville is growing is to state the obvious. But within that statement is another truth. Nashville is changing. 

The first reaction to change is normally protective. How do we save the things that made this area special in the first place? How do we retain the quality of life that we enjoy?

But the next step is proactive. How do we create the community we want, retaining the best parts while improving others? 

Nowhere is this more true than the neighborhoods where people live. While downtown continues to be emerge, the real impact is often felt where people live. The Nashville Next project set out to create a vision for that future and engage people in its creation. But as we know, the Next Nashville is happening Now.

With this site - SxW Nashville - I'll share some of the thoughts, stories and opinions I have about the southwest area of Nashville as it goes through these changes. I hope to provide some insight that empowers people to create the Nashville they desire on the neighborhood level.

Southwest Davidson has been an important and dynamic area for decades, but with Nashville’s growth, these long-established neighborhoods are being remade. There are stories emerging every day about the people and culture of the area, not to mention the issues related to growth that will continue for the foreseeable future. 


The objective is not to be a daily source of news - other outlets are better suited to that - but rather discover stories that go overlooked and add context to the issues that people are talking about.

I welcome your input to the process.

Bob Faricy